My first Book



7 Key Steps to Attract the 'Alpha Predator' of Slugs in Large Numbers

And Get Rid of Slugs for Good.
In Your Entire Garden.

Get Rid of Slugs for Good.
In Your Entire Garden.

  • A unique action plan that takes you by the hand and guides you through each step
  • Works in all regions of France, except in very cold mountain climates
    Attract a large population of highly effective slug-controlling allies, with numerous other benefits
  • Drastically reduce the number of slugs in your entire garden
  • Finally enjoy your vegetables and springs
  • Built on the foundation of a dozen scientific studies on the subject

You already know it's for you? --> You can place your order at the bottom of the page.

The balance and resilience of your garden.

A tribute to permaculture.

Guided from A to Z. Scientifically backed (a dozen studies). Highly effective.

Easy to implement.

  • Finally put an end to slugs in your entire garden: thanks to predator attraction techniques used by professionals in organic fields, and monitored by scientific teams.
  • Attract the best slug predators using the most effective methods, validated by science.
  • Be guided step by step through each stage, knowing exactly what you're doing and why you're doing it.
  • All while saving time, going straight to the most essential and effective methods, thanks to a synthesis of a dozen scientific studies and the consolidation of their consensus.

Isn’t your lettuce beautiful?

Who do we thank?

"Thanks to my favorite predators. Thanks to those who conducted these studies."

Nicole the tightrope walker.

Once upon a time...
... there was Nicole, and her dreams of lettuce, strawberries, and giant cabbages.

In the early years, Nicole cried every spring.
Because slugs mercilessly devoured... all her hopes of lettuce, strawberries, and cabbages.

Since then, Nicole uses the slug net.

She tested it. And it worked. Everything changed. (Luxury, calm, and delight)

The problem: Outside the protected areas, slugs are still swarming in large numbers...

Nicole wants to reduce the overall number of slugs in her garden.

To feel freer to plant, easily and quickly...
New vegetables, new flowers...

Nicole wants her garden to finally reach a balance.
A balance where slugs no longer swarm.

Error on the predators - The 3 Key Laws

To reach the balance that Nicole eagerly awaits...
... Everyone agrees on the importance of attracting slug predators.

But there's one thing too many people forget. And I was one of the first to overlook it:

There are 3 key laws that lead to essential rules to follow:

1 Not every slug predator has the same impact on slugs. (Among famous predators, some are 100 to 1000 times more effective than others!)

2Some of these predators feed on other slug predators.

3Not every predator can be welcomed in the same numbers or with the same ease in a garden.

It seems logical.
And you’ve probably already thought about it.

But think about it for a moment...
It changes everything. Absolutely everything...
In the strategy to finally get rid of slugs in the garden.

Here’s why:

Some slug predators have a colossal regulation capacity: their impact on slugs is strong, and they can be welcomed in large numbers easily.

Some slug predators have almost no regulation capacity: their impact on slugs may be strong, but they also consume many other high-impact slug predators AND/OR their impact is weak, and they can’t be welcomed in large numbers easily.

Some slug predators have a negative regulation capacity: their impact on slugs is weak to very weak, AND they have a moderate to high impact on other slug predators that have a strong impact.

I’ve gone through more than half a dozen scientific studies, and now it’s all perfectly clear:

To permanently regulate slugs in the garden, there’s a quick path and an endless one.

The endless and chaotic path is the one you take when you mix the different categories above, without really knowing what to do. It’s the path you take thinking you're doing the right thing,
but in the end, you don’t really know what you're doing.
You’re just spinning your wheels. You scatter your efforts. You waste time and energy.
And you end up getting discouraged.

The quick and smart path is knowing that organic professionals also face significant slug problems.
And several scientific studies have been conducted to regulate slug populations in crop fields... thanks to predators.

The quick and smart path is using the dozen studies on this topic to identify the most effective predator populations (those with “colossal regulation capacity”) that scientists recommend attracting as the top priority.

The quick and smart path is using this dozen scientific studies to understand which arrangements, backed by data, best attract this predator population.

The quick and smart path is turning this scientific knowledge into a concrete, highly effective, and easy-to-implement action plan that will allow you to finally rid your entire garden of slug hordes for good.

So, what should Nicole have done?

  • Nicole should read the guide to easily understand the results of the scientific studies (I’ve deciphered them for you) and the derived consensus.

  • Nicole will read and understand which predator population she should focus her attention on.

  • Nicole will read and understand which arrangements work best to attract this predator population.

  • Nicole will read and understand how to practically organize all the "maximum efficiency" arrangements in her small garden, thanks to a model garden design and an explanatory video.

Once all of this is well understood (the why and the how)...

  • Nicole will simply need to follow the ACTION PLAN. Step by step, at her own pace, she’ll just do exactly what each stage of the plan instructs her to do. These are simple arrangements that anyone can implement in their garden.

And quickly enjoy the results that follow... That means far (far) fewer slugs in her garden.

More concretely...

Here’s what you’ll get with this 110-page digital book:

Part I: Who are the best predators of slugs? - The "Alpha Predators" (a placeholder name to keep the mystery 😉)

Pages 4 to 27

  • I have analyzed 6 ethological scientific studies for you. I use them to precisely determine the impact of each studied predator on slugs, providing you with clear numbers.
  • I show you how many slugs each predator consumes and how they may affect other slug predators (impacts to avoid).
  • I compile this information into an overall assessment of each predator's regulatory impact on slugs.
  • I reveal which predator population should be your top priority to attract, supported by the recommendations of scientists working with organic farmers.

By the end of this module:
→ You will have a precise understanding of the dietary habits of 6 garden allies.
You will know which slug predator is the most effective, backed by studies.
→ You will know which predator population you should focus on exclusively, backed by studies..

Part II: Overview of the "Alpha Predators" and Detailed Analysis of Their Diets

Pages 27 to 32

  • Habits and Habitat of the "Alpha Predators"
  • Hunting Techniques
  • Detailed Diet Analysis

By the end of this module:
You will have a much deeper understanding of the "Alpha Predators"
You will understand how they operate
You will have a better grasp of the details of their dietary habits.

Part III: The Most Effective Species of the "Alpha Predator" Against Slugs

Pages 33 to 47

  • Overview of the Best Species of the "Alpha Predator" for Slug Control
  • Identification Keys for Each Species, to Recognize Them (photo, size, etc.)
  • Habitat Specificities of Each Species - Their Preferences
  • Graph Showing Population Trends Over a Year

By the end of this module:
→ You will know more about the "Alpha Predator" than 99,9% of gardeners
→ You will know which species of this predator are the most effective against slugs
→ You will understand which habitats these species prefer, and begin to see how to attract them to your garden
→ You will be able to recognize them when you encounter them in your garden
→ You will know the time of year when each of these species is most abundant

Part IV: The Best Arrangements to Attract "Alpha Predators" to Your Garden

Pages 48 to 84

  • Also based on a range of scientific studies:
  • The types of hiding spots and shelters (natural/semi-natural) that best attract "Alpha Predators"
  • The soil texture that best attracts "Alpha Predators"
  • The crop combinations in the vegetable garden that best attract "Alpha Predators"
  • The plants that best attract "Alpha Predators"
  • The humidity and light conditions that best attract "Alpha Predators"

By the end of this module:
You will be true experts on "Alpha Predators." You will know almost everything that the scientific literature says about them, explained in simple terms.
→ You will know exactly which arrangements are most effective for attracting them to your garden.

Part V: The Action Plan: 7 Steps to Attract "Alpha Predators" to Your Garden with Maximum Efficiency - Put Your Knowledge into Practice

Pages 84 to 107

  • Step 1 - Important, Before You Begin
  • Step 2 - The Foundation of Our Solid Strategy
  • Step 3 - The Main Framework of Your Setup + Crop Combinations + 2 Garden Design Plans
  • Step 4 - The Key Zone to Boost Your Garden's Attractiveness + 1 Garden Design Plan
  • Step 5 - The Icing on the Cake
  • Step 6 - Essential to Avoid Slowing the Arrival of Predators
  • Step 7 - Important After Implementing Our Design Strategy

By the end of this module:
→ If you have followed each step, your garden will already start attracting the first "Alpha Predators"
→ They will soon arrive in large numbers and begin to reproduce
→ They will strongly regulate the slug population in your garden, year-round, 7 days a week, 24 hours a day
→ You will be able to garden with complete peace of mind

Who is this guidance for?

  • For Nicole, but also...
  • For everyone who struggles with slugs in their garden and wants to put an end to it...
  • For those who want to work with nature, rather than against it.
  • For lovers of permaculture.
  • For those who appreciate coherent and concrete action plans, based on scientific sources.
  • And for all those who make space for nature in their lives...

Who is this guidance not for?

  • For mountain gardens in regions that are too cold.
  • The "Alpha Predator" struggles with these conditions.
  • For those who plan to use pesticides or other harmful synthetic products.
  • For those who do not believe in the value of scientific studies in natural environments.

Why Does It Work?

  • Synthesis of a dozen reference scientific studies: gathering all the pieces of information into a single puzzle. Compiling the consensus. Having all the data on our side. Eliminating every shadow of doubt. All while explaining why it works.

  • Based solely on solid, verified sources: no more myths and no more charlatans.

  • Step-by-step action plan: I guide you every step of the way. It’s reliable. It’s the most effective method available. Yet it’s easy, simple, and quick to implement.

Already Some Feedback!

Note: These feedbacks are in French because this digital book was first published in French on my French blog about slug management in the garden. The English version is identical in content. Below each review, I’ve translated it into English for you.

English translation : Hello Robin,

The book is really interesting and technical.

English translation :

Thank you, dear Sir!
What you sent is fascinating!!!
Have a great day!
N. Bollu

And that's not all...

  • I personally answer all your questions.

Until the Alpha Predators swarm in your garden

And until you no longer have any slug problems in your garden.

And then...

In short...

What would it be worth to you...

  • If you no longer had a slug problem in your ENTIRE garden?
  • If you could plant lettuce and cabbages, knowing for sure that you'll harvest them intact?
  • If you could finally enjoy 100% of your springtime?
  • If you were certain to be guided step by step along this path, knowing exactly what you're doing and why you're doing it?
  • If you could benefit from all of this while saving time, going straight to the most essential and effective methods?
  • If you could "download" the essentials of 12 reference scientific studies on gardening directly into your mind?

Without having to buy them, read them, annotate them, analyze them, and draw out the consensus yourself?

Reminder - Here's what you will get:

  • The 110-page digital book "THE ACTION PLAN - 7 Steps to Attract the Best Slug Predators to Your Garden" – You will receive it immediately.
  • Answers to all your questions. Until you no longer have any slug problems in your garden.

And what if this spring (or the next) it was you, returning from a stroll through your vegetable garden?

What is it actually worth...

  • A comparable course containing this type of content would be sold for nearly $100.

  • Purchasing access to all the scientific articles used costs an investment of $160 (10 + 19.5 + 31.5 + 50 + 31.5 + 18 = €160.5 exactly).

And then... A colossal amount of work to read, annotate, and fully digest them properly.


However, I have decided to offer this guide at the price of

29 dollars.

Because this topic feels like a matter of public interest to me...

Not to mention my usual unreasonable guarantee...

Guarantee: Test the guide for 60 days, THEN decide if you want to keep it.

If, for any reason, you decide not to keep it: No worries!
Just send me a simple email at, and I’ll refund you without question and with a smile.
Very simple.

You can too send me directly a message by my whatsapp number : +33 6 04 65 35 31

Does it look fair enough ?

Here are some additional feedback (from my other courses - i sell them on my french blog only) regarding my methodology of gathering and synthesizing knowledge:

(The initial feedback about the guide can be seen earlier on this page)

English translation : Thank you so much for these 3 videos full of intelligence, humor, and creativity!

Great work, the best I’ve found online in this field! It really helped me better understand slugs, and I even felt some affection for them as I watched them evolve during the tests 😁.

I now better understand the reasons for their presence in large numbers in my garden.

It's a garden started this year in the Monts d'Arrée, a very humid region. Up until now, I was relocating them.

English translation : Super! Thank you for your work, it's fascinating and very relevant. Bravo, young man 😊

English translation : Thank you very much for this course, it’s extraordinary research work, congratulations!

The choice is yours…

1. Keep all the information I’ve given you in my numerous free articles and videos about slug management in the garden.

2. Trust me, and try the ACTION PLAN to see if it really works as well as I've told you!

If you choose to trust me, it's right this way:

Digital format.

And then decide (you have 60 days) if you want to keep it.

Reminder - Here's what you will get:

  • The 110-page digital book "THE ACTION PLAN - 7 Steps to Attract the Best Slug Predators to Your Garden" – You will receive it immediately.
  • Answers to all your questions. Until you no longer have any slug problems in your garden.

Digital format.

And then decide (you have 60 days) if you want to keep it.

PS: Even if this guide isn't what you were looking for, I thank you for giving it your attention and for reading this far :) It has been a long and challenging work...

Created by Robin Chaumery | Springday Permaculture ©

Contacts :

Personnal whatsapp : +33 6 04 65 35 31

English translation : Hello,

I just finished printing your excellent book on slugs: bravo and thank you!
However, may I suggest numbering the pages?
Your table of contents would be even more practical if the pages were numbered!

Best regards,

(Problem now fixed)